Monday, February 2, 2009

Never the thing you worry about!

I know this is a weird thing to think about - but every now and then I have worried that God will trip my son, BabyB, knocking his teeth out. I just can't help myself from worrying about this. BabyB is just plain gorgeous. He has gorgeous red hair, he is tall and slim, he has cute freckles, and he has these perfectly straight teeth. When I think of how handsome he is, I always fear that God might smite me and knock his teeth out just to prove a point - the point being I shouldn't take such pride in the looks of one of my children. I especially shouldn't take this much pride in only one of my twins! In all fairness - I think BabyA is cute too - he's just a different kind of cute. He has LOTS of freckles, auburn hair, and a smile that could melt any mother's heart. He also has loads of attitude that make all the girls think he is HOT! But in this mother's eyes - BabyB is the true looker - even though it is BabyA that has all the girls chasing after him.

Some days I think that I must be a complete narcissist - hoping that God surely wouldn't knock my child's teeth out just to prove a point to me. Other days - I think I'm just paranoid about it because I knocked half of my front tooth off as a 9 year old, and was taken to a horrible dentist repeatedly in order to get it fixed. I screamed and cried for my daddy to save me from the torture chamber of the dentist office. To fully understand the horror this put my Aunt through - who was sitting out in the waiting room during all this - you would need to know that I had been orphaned about 6 months prior to this. This tooth still causes me trouble to this day! My tooth has 2 pins in it - one horizontal & one vertical to try and hold on to the piece of porcelain attached to it. But every so often I bite into an apple or something else and it breaks off.

So - this is the backdrop to yesterday’s happenings.

Both boys go to a friend’s house down the block to play basketball. About 20 minutes later BabyA comes running in screaming that BabyB knocked his tooth out! I immediately ask - "BabyB knocked who's tooth out?" MINE!!!! He screams showing me his teeth and bloody lip. Sure enough about half of BabyA's front tooth is missing. Lovely. It never occurred to me that BabyA would have his teeth knocked out - he has wild looking bucked teeth that will most certainly need braces. But he was standing in front of me with half his tooth gone. E-gads!

So I'm not sure what the moral of the story is - other than the tried and true rule - of it's never the thing you worry about - it's always something else that sneaks up behind you and grabs you in the gut when you aren't looking.

The dentist that we go to has a migraine today - so we have an appointment first thing tomorrow morning. Wish us (all of us) luck!

I will try to get a photo of this today – but I doubt that he’ll be into it. I told him yesterday we should take a photo of him and send it to his Grandma Sara – (my Aunt) – and ask if it brought back old memories. He just started crying and went and hid in his closet until I came in and apologized.

As you can see here - he did let me take his photo today. He wasn't happy about it - but I promised him that he would want to see what it looked like when he is 30.

1 comment:

Chik-a-dy said...

hey girl...isn't it the truth that we only worry about the things that don't happen and never about the things that do...and about thinking Baby B more handsome than Baby A...usually A will grow up to out shine B just takes a little longer...personally i think both are handsome in their own ways...of course i think all of mine outshine anyone else's on the planet but since it's your blog...i'll let yours be numero uno here...LOL...ask my daughter about her experience with the dentist and daughter'll be rolling on the floor LOL..i have been trying to get a blog forever but never seem to have the time to set it up...i like yours...good luck at the dentist...luv ya, girl...lyn