In our boys’ school the kids can choose to participate in the AR (Accelerated Reading) program. They don’t have to do it at all – but if they choose to – they read a book, and then take a test on it. If they get an 85% or better on the test – they get so many points. The tests are comprised of 20 multiple choice questions. The points depend on the length and reading level of the book. For instance the books in the Harry Potter series range from 12 to 44 points each. Then you only get all the points if you get a 100% on the test score. If you get an 85% - you only get 85% of the points available for that particular book. If you get less than 85% on the test – you read a different book and try again. So – Ben is really into this program, and has been really working hard at it. He read all 7 of the Harry Potter books, and has recently finished the 2nd of the Eragon books, plus what ever else he picks up to read in the library at school.
As the students progress through out the year they pass certain bench marks. There are tons of kids in the first category, (+50 points) and then there are fewer and fewer students in each category until it progresses up to the “Super” level. There are 4 kids in that level – Ben, one 4th grader and two 6th graders. Then one of those 6th grade boys is in the top “Star” level – meaning he has received more than 250 points this school year. Well today – they had to add a little 3rd grader’s name to the “Star” section. Yup – little Ben Carberry is the 1st Third Grader to reach “Star” level in the history of Lincoln Elementary! I thought his little chest was going to explode he was so proud of himself when he received his little dog tag that says STAR on it this morning.
Now I hear things about it being even more difficult to get to “Star” status in other schools – so maybe it isn’t THAT big of an accomplishment. But I’m pretty proud of the little buggar! Especially since it is all self motivated – he didn’t have to read any of them. And the only thing that he has gotten out of it other than the enjoyment of the books is a few little dog tags and his name listed on the hall wall outside the library. Last year there was only one girl in the school that made “Star” status and they put her photo in the yearbook – tomorrow is the day that the photographers are going to be in the school - Ben is going to be terribly disappointed if they don’t track him down & take his photo. In the mean time – I think it may be time to go buy him that video game that he’s had his eye on.
Just call me Proud Mama!
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8 years ago