Writing Assignment: The Turkey That Escaped Thanksgiving!
You are working undercover for the CIA (The Central Intelligence Agency) and your assignment is to disguise this turkey so no one can recognize or find him. You must make a costume, hiding him. You may use things from outdoors, material, paper, or anything that you might think of that will save his life. Be creative!
The CIA needs a written report about how your turkey escaped Thanksgiving. Write a story about your turkey telling what he did and how he managed to escape. Give lots of details. We cannot wait to read this news breaking report!
This is a family homework assignment. Your mom, dad, brother, sister, grandma, and grandpa, or anyone may help you. Grateful for your assistance, the CIA plans to hang your picture and story in the hall of the school for other CIA agents to see! Have fun with this!
Due: November 24, 2008
Baby A's story:
Once there was a turkey who liked building robots. One day he was captured by a hunter and was taken away to his house. When he woke up there was a lady looking at him. She was startled and let out an “Eek!” Then she said “I thought he was dead.” “No, I accidentally forgot to do it” said her husband. “Well, could you do it tomorrow?” “OK”
That night the turkey made a robot that looked exactly like him. He also built a hypnotizing yo-yo which when it slept it hypnotized the person looking at it.
In the morning the hunter and his wife come out and saw the robot turkey. The real turkey stepped out and made the yo-yo sleep. Then he placed it on the robot and then made sure that they were hypnotized then jumped out the window and was never seen again.
Baby B's story:
The Race
Jack is a race car driver. Jack is the turkey. He went to a big race and there was a hunter in the car behind Jack. He was trying to shoot Jack with a 7 gauge. He missed Jack. Then Jack stopped the car and then Jack flew to Lindenhurst and went in a pizza store. When the hunter got there he looked all through the streets. And when he got to the pizza store Jack saw him and hid in the kitchen. The chef said, “Now we sell turkey.” “Get that turkey!” they all said. So the chef and the hunter were all trying to get the turkey. He ran out of the kitchen and got in his race car and drove to Africa. It was never seen again.
And that is how the turkey escaped Thanksgiving.
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8 years ago